Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The power of affirmations and visualization

The power of affirmations and visualization
The power of affirmations and visualization has been raved about throughout the years. These are successful methods to improve the quality of life in ways that many find unique and refreshing. You will be surprised at what improvements you will experience with the help of the power of affirmations and visualization.
Affirmation is method to improve your self-esteem. You must at first be able to identify your positive and negative thoughts about yourself. Affirmation involves strengthening your positive aspects and blocking your negative aspects. Thus, you focus on all your positive energies and characteristics and reflect on them accordingly. This will help you negate all the destructive emotions you have when others harass you of your negative characteristics. If you were to put yourself in a situation involving affirmation, you could imagine yourself as a lowly student trying to become the best in your batch. Many teachers or fellow students may mock you, underestimate you, or brand you as a dumb person. If you were to apply affirmation, you would focus on your diligent studying skills rather than your lack of intelligence. In doing so, you get to focus on your strength which is to be diligent in studying and in the end you can achieve your goal to becoming the top of your class. The power of affirmation is truly amazing.
The secret of affirmation is to believe in your capabilities. Have faith in your abilities and you can achieve almost anything in life. Affirmation is just a way to further motivate you by giving you a strong foundation on self esteem. Being successful in life requires maximizing your potentials and strengths while leaving behind the emotional baggage which is preventing you to become a better person. You must forget the past and the mistakes you made along with it. You can grow and become a better person with the help of affirmations.
Visualization, on the other hand, is a method not relatively far from the purposes of affirmations. In visualization, you can meditate and conjure visions of desire to help you grow as a person. You might ask how this can help you in life. Visualization can improve your life by motivating you to work for your goal. When you start to visualize, you imagine your wants and goals in life. You also imagine the feeling of having acquired your wants and goals. For instance, you visualize on winning first place in the sports tournament. You imagine standing in the topmost platform waving at the cheering crowds and showing off your well deserved trophy. You feel in ecstasy as the photographers take pictures of you and cameramen focus on your face on national television to bring you fame. This is what you would visualize when you want to win in a sports competition. This will help motivate you to really achieve the tremendous feat that you desire. You would want to really taste the feeling in real life. This is what drives you to do your best.
The power of affirmations and visualization continues to influence people and gather many success stories. If you want to have a success story in your life as well, don’t hesitate to change your life through the power of affirmations and visualization.

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